2016 Donations to Charities
Some people when you say you belong to the Spokane Valley Seahawkers group - they look at you and say "so you watch the Seahawks play?" Well yes, we do. But there is much more to us.
We hold several fundraisers throughout the year and give back to our community. We are very proud to say we have recently donated $2500 to local charities this past month.
We donated $500 to help provide a Thanksgiving dinner to those who had nowhere else to go
or could not afford one.
We donated $500 to Blessings Under the Bridge.
We donated $500 to Bear Necessities which is a local fundraiser for foster children.
We donated $500 to Crosswalk, which is an emergency teen shelter.
We purchased $500 worth of food to restock the shelves at Truth Ministries.
We feel very fortunate to be able to help out these charities.
Thanks to everyone who worked the fundraisers that allow us to give back!
Blessings under the Bridge

Truth Ministries

Bear Necessities
to purchase jammies
for foster kids

Volunteers of America