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2015 Club Events & Activities



2015 Spokane Valley SeaHawker

Yard Sale


Our 2015 Annual Yard Sale was a great success!   We raised $2031.00 which makes it our best fund raiser ever!


Sending out a BIG THANK YOU to everyone that donated their time and effort to make this a success!  


This includes everyone who donated items, to Monica who hosted the yard sale, all the people who came and purchased items and to everyone who helped with the clean up at the end!


All proceeds will be going to charities!


This wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for ALL of you!

Charity Donation Meeting
May 19, 2015


At our General Meeting on Tuesday, May 19th, we had our Charity Donation Meeting held at Darcy's Restaurant and Spirits.


All throughout the year, we have various fundraisers to help raise money for local charities to show our appreciation for everything they do for our community.


We had a great turnout at the meeting.  At this meeting, the Club presented checks in the amount of $750.00 to: Camp Stix, Truth Ministries and SCRAPS.  Meals on Wheels was also awarded a donation but was unable to attend.

Penny, our Club President, presented our donations to three charities that were present (pictured below).   And one donation to Meals on Wheels was also awarded.  The three charities that were present did give a presentation to the Club members in attendance explaining what these charities do to help the community after accepting their donation.

We had a great turnout of Club members in attendance for the presentation of the donations as well as introducing some new members!  We always welcome anyone that wants to attend the General Meetings, even if you're not a member!

Seahawkers Volunteering at

Out of the Darkness Community Walk!

Thank You to our SeaHawker Volunteers
Who helped with Out of the Darkness

Our community Out Of Darkness Walk was a huge success. Our Seahawker volunteers really came through and without them we would have not been so organized. They all worked the registration table and signed in 746 people and helped raise over $26,000 . Yes, over $26,000. It went so smooth because ALL OF THEM were so helpful. I am proud our club came through with so many members giving their time to such a worthy cause.

Thank you Seahawkers club. It is great to see so many care about our community.

Melody Youker


Spokane Valley Seahawkers Go to

2015 Preseason Game!

Sip and Paint for the Seahawkers!


Some Spokane Valley Seahawkers got together for a fun eveining of Sippin and Paintin!  


And our project?  The Seahawk logo of course!  What a fun eveining!

  It was interesting to see how everybody's artwork turned out uniquely different.

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